Similar to the x330 SATA mod, I have some NetVista 2800s that I need 5v/12v accessory power from. I'm doing some experimentation with the Asterisk open source PBX and wanted to interface with the house phone lines. I purchased a Digium TDM400P for this task.

Digium TDM400P

This is a modular card, with up to 4 lines. Any combination of FXO or FXS modules can be used. FXS modules to interface with analog telephones require 5v/12v power. The NetVista 2800 has a 4 pin power header, labeled "Hardfile Power" at J11.

NetVista J11 hardfile power

The connector we need this time is a Molex 43025-0400. Here's the pin out:

NetVista 2800 Power Connector

I also found an IBM part for the xSeries 300. Note that this is not wired correctly for either the x330 and Netvista 2800. It will require reworking for both application. FRU 24P0622:

xSeries 300 Hard Drive Power

And that brings me to my final point. I found a really cool product today that would be useful for both the NetVista and 1U servers.

UpgradeWare HD25-I

It takes power from the PCI bus to power a 2.5" notebook hard disk. There are a few different models with different SATA and PATA connection combos depending on your needs. The fact that this product uses a PCI slot is its greatest advantage and disadvantage. PCI slots are usually scarce on machines where this would be useful. None the less, at around $25 it is basically the same price as the IDE adapter you would otherwise need to use a notebook drive in a desktop machine.
