KDE SC 4.4 - Steady, Incremental Improvements

I haven't noticed any killer features in KDE SC 4.4 and I've been running it since Beta 1. I've noticed a lot of subtle improvements. Things like app stacking and selection in the task bar seem much more responsive. All around, plasma looks subtly better and my favorite KDE …

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2010 SpamAssasin Public Service Announcement

If you run a public mail server, there is a good chance you run SpamAssassin.

There is a New Year's SNAFU in which any dates 2010+ are marked "grossly in the future". That is a problem since it is now 2010.

Run sa-update and restart SpamAssassin ASAP, or install the …

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Sun Ultra 27 Review - The Ultimate Linux Workstation

Sun Microsystems has a powerful and favorably priced entry in the x86 workstation space with the Ultra 27. Such is the power of this workstation and its natural fit for *nix workloads, combined with a compelling price tag, I pronounce it the Ultimate Linux Workstation in its class. He's a …

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DRBD merged with kernel 2.6.33

DRBD has been a long standing external patch in many distribution kernels. It has finally been merged in the 2.6.33 window. Colloquially the "Distributed Redundant Block Device", this piece of code allows you to mirror blocks of storage across multiple nodes.


This is primarily useful in high availability …

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Getting Beautiful Fonts in Gentoo Linux

Here's my easy and modern guide to getting pleasant looking fonts on Gentoo with minimal effort.

Wikipedia rendered with the end result of this guide

Wikipedia rendered with the end result of this guide

USE Flags

Enable the following USE flags:

euse --enable truetype type1 cleartype corefonts

and make sure everything is built with them enabled:

emerge -uDNa world …

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boo2pdf Update

I did some minor updates to boo2pdf. Graphics should now be within the page margins. Please let me know if there are any other common formatting mistakes.

Unfortunately, IBM's "transmogrifier" utility doesn't work very well in Wine, so you should preprocess older books in Windows before running them through the …

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