KDE4 on Gentoo

So I bit the bullet and installed KDE 4.0 on Gentoo. Version 4.0.4 recently hit the tree, and with some minor hackary to package.unmask and package.keywords I have a nice spartan KDE 4.0.4 desktop that I am typing this in.

My observations:

Like …

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Ableton Live 7 MIDI Problems

A lot of people are having trouble with Ableton Live 7. This is especially true with MIDI functionality. It stems from the fact that Live 7 defaults to the DirectMusic MIDI interface. Apparently DirectMusic then has to do emulation because the standard Microsoft MIDI driver is not DirectMusic native (Microsoft …

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Fedora 9, KDE 4.0 done right


I just downloaded the Fedora 9 KDE live spin. I am impressed. I tried a few of the betas along the way, but this is very polished. Much better than Ubuntu's try at KDE4.

It feels very responsive and works very well, even as a LiveCD under VMWare. This …

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Syncing Directories with Multiple Computers

I have a laptop, a workstation, and a server at home that I use daily. I also have a collection of code, documents, and music that are useful to have locally on all three -- especially the laptop when traveling. For a while I would just copy files over the network …

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Cheap fetchmail Trick

I've had a pretty advanced email system running at home (Postfix, SpamAssassin, Dovecot, Fetchmail) for over a year. The original goal was spam filtering for some 10 year old POP3 mail accounts from my old ISP that were heavily spammed. I couldn't be more pleased with the system; false positives …

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Gentoo 2007.0 Released!

"The Gentoo project is pleased to announce the much-delayed release of Gentoo Linux 2007.0. This release met with several delays due to an abnormally high number of security vulnerabilities in large packages which had to be rebuilt using the newer, secure versions of the packages." A new installer, and …

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