FS-Cache merged in Kernel 2.6.30

FS-Cache has been merged into the upcoming kernel 2.6.30. This allows for a generic caching interface in the kernel for other file systems. For example, you can use local hard disks to cache data accessed via NFS, AFS, or CD-Rom. Since these tend to be high-latency while the …

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Good Linux File System Developments

ext4 has sparked good controversy on the LKML. Aside from the recent delayed alloc and fsync issues, the whole FS stack is getting some much needed attention. Indeed, Linux file systems are starting to feel like first class citizens again with ext4 and Btrfs (merged in 2.6.29 for …

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Good open source journalism

I have to hand it to the guys at The H Open (formally Heise Online Open Source Edition). They have excellent coverage of the latest happenings in FOSS software. They also have great coverage of software releases and break it down to the important new bits. Finally, it is not …

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Welcome back, Palm! The New Palm Pre

I've always been a fan of Palm hardware, and even had a soft spot for PalmOS until it was left to rot for so long.

Indeed, my Palm 800w is a fine piece of hardware even though it was quickly eclipsed by the Treo Pro, but Windows Mobile has been …

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